Well as you may know already, we were lucky enough to spend 3 nights in Paris. After our first fun filled night, we got to have another guided sight seeing tour around Paris. We travelled around on the bus all day and were lucky enough to see lots of amzaing sights. Lots of photos from this day are on Jodi's camera because unfortunately mine decided to go flat. Once I have had a look at them I will try put some more on.
Lots of the morning we spent just on the bus, but for parts of it we were able to get off so we could go have a closer look at some things. One place in particular which we stopped to look at was the Norte Dame.

The Louvre. We all visited this the next day on our free day so I should have better pictures later on.
After our tour of the city, all 100 exchange students headed out to the Palace of Versailles. This place was so huge. I still can not understand why someone would need to live in such a big place. Sorry at the moment I can't get any pictures to upload so hopefully I can get it to work another day.
We were lucky enough to get a free night with a curfew of 2pm so of course being true blue exhcange students we decided to head to Paris down town and see what we could find. After some directions by other exchange students, we ended up finding an Aussie Bar.
The next day we had a free day where we could wander all around Paris and do what we pleased. A group of us headed off nice and early to go have a quick look at the Louvre. After quickly going and seeing the Mona Lisa, Jodi, Judy and me decided it was time to find some shops.
A group of us outside the Louvre.
We were a bit unsuccessful with the shopping at first, so instead we decided to go buy some food and have a nice picnic in a park.
Our goodies plus some orange juice. Incase your wondering, the girls were dipping strawberries into Nutella!
After lunch we headed off on the train again to go try find the Moulin Rouge. Yes, we did find it aswell as the main sex shop area of Paris. I swear I have never seen so many sex shops in one small area. It was a bit over whelming to be honest.
After visiting the Moulin Rouge, we decided to give the shops another go and see what we could find. And this time, we were succesful. We all bought at least two pairs of shoes (three is your me). I bought my three pairs for €27 which in Finland usually would only buy you one pair of shoes so I was pretty happy.
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