Annu's Dance and Candy Throwing
Well this week has been pretty plain and boring. School's the same old. Don't have to go to some classes and the ones i do i have no idea what the teachers are on about because its all in finnish. so as you can imagine, its fun. yesterday my host sister had her school dance. totally different from anything in Australia. they do real traditional dances and everyone's families come out to watch. my host mum made Annu's dance and she looked really gorgeous. her friend who's at trade school for hairdressers did her hair and it looked awesome.

After the dance, I went out for dinner with Annu and lots of the other second graders (or our year 11's) to a really nice restaurant where we had a three course meal. Was so yummy and living in Finland the tradition seems to be that you eat everything on your plate, so of course I did. We then went out to a night club called the Nite Train to celebrate. Annu's parents came and picked us up at 2am and of course being a Rotary Student, i didn't drink.
On Thursday the 3rd graders(or our year 12's) had there end of year celebration. The day is called Candy Throwing in English and they all get dressed up in costumes and come to school where they put on 2 hour long concert for the school. After this they all get on the backs of trucks and travel round the main city centre block throwing candy everywhere. The streets are lined with both young and old people out to celebrate the end of another grades schooling.
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