Sledging with Lauri!!
Well whoever thought sledging or as I think we call it back in Aus sleding could be so much fun, Standing at the top of the hill I never thought I would make it to the bottom without hitting a tree or tipping the sledge but how wrong I was (after a few attempts I finally made it to the bottom). To help me on my first go down, Lauri sat on the back of the sledge to show me that it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. Although not scary, I learnt having Lauri on the back isn't as safe as I thought it would be as he managed to tip the sledge and both of us ended in the snow. Although very cold lying in the snow, I have to admit it made the whole ride more funny. My first attempt going down by myself I have to say didn't go quite to plan. I made it half way down before hitting a little tree and coming to a halt. At this stage I still hadn't worked out how to steer the sled, not very easy if I say so myslf. By the second attempt though, I must say that I was pretty proud of myself. Towards the bottom of the hill there is a little jump, which Emily decied on purpose of course(not!!) that she would go over. I must say the landing isn't very soft and I had to walk up the hill with a sore bum. ouch!!

After a while of sliding down one hill we decided to move to a steeper hill. Once arriving there and seeing how steep it was I decided that I would slide from about half way down. Plus this one was a bit bendy and seeing as Emily hadn't quite learnt how to turn yet I decided I didn't want to risk going from the top and hitting a big tree. I decided before I climbed back up the hill, it was time for me to finally make my first snow angel in Finland.

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