My Weekend Out
Well I had another big weekend, although of course there was no alcohol consumed. My host parents went to Jväskylä over the weekend so Annu and me had the house to ourself's. Friday night we went to Lappeenranta and watched the women's floor hockey game (its pretty similar to field hockey, just played inside and with plastic balls). The Lappeenranta team ended up winning 6-4(not to sure of the score but it was something like that) and therefore won the Finnish championship. You have no idea how excited everyone was. Afterwards we went to a bar called 'The Old Cock' for a bit because the girls who Annu's plays floor hockey with and who also were watching the game wanted to go there for a bit. And since one of them was our ride home, we really had no choice. Although I'm not complaining.
Saturday I headed into town early to spend the way with Lauri. Was a good day once again. We just watched a movie and spend time together. Then saturday afternoon I met Annu in town and we headed round to a friends house where we stayed for the night. Annu, Mervi, Ellie (two finnish friends) and myself headed out to a nightclub called Cannibals at about 11 where we ended up staying till about 3:30. Was a real good night. Some other friends ended up coming so it was a good night to catch up with them all. Lauri ended up coming at about 12:30 and I think about 5 or 6 people told us how cute we look together. I have to say hearing everyone say that gets a bit annoying after a while although its nice to know everyone thinks we look good together. We headed home at about lunchtime on Sunday and after getting some food into my belly, it was off to bed for a 4 hour afternoon nap for me. It was really warm yestreday (got to about +9 degrees) so I fell asleep in the warm sunlight that was shining through my window.'
Well school started at 8 today, which meant I had to get up at 5:30 to be ready on time for the bus. When i woke the snow was really really heavy so my walk to the bus wasnt very fun but thats ok. I managed to re-arrange my timetable abit so I don't start school till 12 on Tuesday's and I finish at 2 so I'm pretty happy bout that one. I got my Finnish test back today and my teacher said I did really well. Only had a few spelling errors and I got all the clock's right that I had to tell the time. There were 12 altogether so I was pretty happy bout that one.
Last Monday I went along to the Fazer Factory Factory with my Rotary Club. Fazer I think is one of the biggest makes of bread, chocolate and lollies. I dragged Sarah (the American Exchange Student) along with me so I wouldn't get lonely. best bit about the whole tour was the free bag of bread waiting for us at the end. My host family was pretty happy to get so much different bread for free. lol
I had my speech at Taavetti school last Friday. It all went pretty well. Had to introduce myself in Finnish to two different groups which had about 100-150 people in each group. It was all pretty scary since I had sayin speech's in English let alone in Finnish. I just had to say my name, how old i am, that i am an australian exchange student, where I live in finland and australia, that I speak english and a little bit of Finnish. i think that was all. was good though, we got paid €20 for doing so I'm not complaining bout it. lol.

Missing everyone heaps and I love you all.
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