My nephew´s and new neice
This entry really doesn´t have much purpose except to show off my sisters cute children. On September 18th she had her first baby girl, Amiel Cate. Although I am yet to actually see her she looks really cute in all the photos I have been send.
Being away from my new nephew´s this year is proving to be really hard since everytime I see a photo of them they both seem to have grown so much. I remember before I left when Isaac seemed so little and was still crawling round the room and now he is looking so much bigger and even walking. It is so weird to think that Daniel will be starting school next year. I still remember getting a phone call from mum saying Bec had had a little boy and now she has 3 children. Time really does fly by these days. I think all of them are as cute as each other and being away from them as been so much harder than I could have ever imagined. As hard as it will be to leave Finland, I can´t wait to see them and see how much they have grown and changed.
My big cute boy Daniel!!!

Little Isaac!!
New baby Amiel!!! She is so small
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