Hyvää Pääsiäistä
Happy Easter everyone. Easter here has been really good and I have had the best weekend. We got four days off school which added to the excitement of it all. On friday I had a big lunch with my host family and my host grandma (lassi's mum). After lunch, Annu, my host mum and me headed into Lappeenranta. Annu and me went and watched the men's floor hockey game while my host mum went to visit her parents.
On Saturday I went to Lauri's house for lunch. His mum cooked a really good lunch. I think they are all good cooks because Lauri cooked lunch one day and it was so yummy. he's good to have around....he can always cook for me when I'm hungry now. lol
This morning when I woke up there was a cute contained filled with lollies for me as my host parents knew that I don't like chocolate very much. So nice.

Well this afternoon I went and visited my next host family briefly. they have a really nice house and my next room was really nice. my host sister made a cake which was so yummy. they have so many nice cakes in finland. dont know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. annu and me then went into lappeenranta for a couple of hours. she went to see ice age 2 which i also wanted to see but unfortunately the movie was in finnish so i decided against it and instead went out with lauri while she was there. when we got home we decided to take some funny pictures of the toys we had collected from the kinder surprises that my host family had bought for easter. you guys are all gonna think we are weird and we probably are a bit but it was so funny when we doing it. you may need to look at the pictures from annu's dance to understand these pictures properly.

making the toys neck long aswell)

Just thought I would include some random picutes at the bottom. I took these the other night to send to Uncle Cliff for the reunion but they wouldn't go through because his inbox was full.
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