Day 4-Time to go Home
Although I had an awesome time in Russia, the last day really wrecked it for me. I know, I shouldn't let one day wreck the whole trip but god are the Russian Customs people slow. We raced the other buses to the boarder crossing so we (fingers crossed) didn't have to wait long but oh no, we ended up having to wait 4 hours before we could cross. There were about 8 buses in front of us and it takes about 30 minutes per bus. I have no idea what takes so long, I think its more the Russian's are lazy and like watching us wait because they know we'll spend more money in the little cafe's positioned right where all the buses wait. Although it was alright to hang out with all the other exchage students, theres only so much you can do to waste 4 hours before you really want to go home (and in my case get home so you can see your

Well there's a brief run down of my time spent in Russia. Hope that was enough information for everyone and if not RING me and I'll tell you what you want to know. I will write about Vappu and Sweden in the next few days. Missing everyone so so much. Love you all. xoxo
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