Paris-Southern France
Over the course of three days, we stayed in two different places in Southern France. The first night we spent in a little town called Grenoble. Before going to the hotel, we got to visit a famous "Chartreux"-liquer cellar. While there, we had the opportunity to taste test the wine they make there. I personally found it to sweet so I decided not to buy some for anybody. Sorry guys.

Jen and Me taste-testing the wine!

After our one night stay in Grenoble, we headed off to Nice where we stayed 2 nights. On our way to Nice, we stopped at a Perfume factory. It was really cool to see how they made perfumes and how they invented new fragrances.
The special room where the person who makes new recipes works.
Our visit to the perfume factory, although good, was also quite sad because we lost a member of our bus. One of the boys had been having stomach cramps for a few days and ended up having to go to hospital to have his appendix removed. We have seen him since, and luckily he is fine now. Unfortunately, he was unable to continue along Euro Tour with us :-(.
Some picutes of Nice!
This thing is called 'The Box Head' or something like that because underneath it, there is infact a Library.
During our stay in Nice, we had a day trip to Monaco. I will make a new entry for this because there are quite a few photos.